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Plemochoe with lid

Attic, late 6th Century BC
Black glazed clay.
H 14.8 cm

Plemochoe with a convex shaped body decorated with a reserved band on the edge of the circular mouth with a pattern of black glazed lines on a stemmed ring foot. It is characterised by its inturned, dipping lip which prevents spelling, and may have been used to hold precious fragrances, oils or essences. Greek exaleipho = to anoint. Body intact, small abrasions to the lid, some aereas misfired.


John Boardman, Athenian Black Figure Vases, London 1974, no. 319 text p. 189

The British Museum number: 1931,0216.18


German private collection Professor Dr. E. S. (1902-1996), acquired in the 1930s.

Accompanied by an IADAA Interpol search certificate.

€ 16,000