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Hellenistic, early 2nd century BC
Terracotta, red, blue and black colour; traces of gilding.
H 39.3 cm

Statuette of an Eros, nude but for a chlamys over his left shoulder and thick-soled sandals, holding an oenochoe in his upraised right hand and a shell serving as a bowl in his left hand, his oval face with fine features, his wavy hair bound in a kekryphalos, with a thick wreath of ivy leaves and berries, perforation at the shoulders for separately-made wings, extensive polychrome details: red on the sandals, crown and lips, black on the eyes, blue on some ivy and traces of gilding on some ivy and berries. Recomposed from large fragments; wings missing.


Freddie Küng, Luzern, Catalogue: Schweizerische Kunst- und Antiquitäten-Messe, Basel 1972, p. 18


European private collection.

Accompanied by an Art Loss Register certificate.

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